This recording was the first choral album that I thoroughly enjoyed, likely because I find it to be one of the most accessible of Bach’s liturgical works. “Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen” was perhaps the most instantly satisfying and remains the best moment of the recording. Of course, there is a consistent sound from Collegium Vocale Gent that gives it a wonderfully unique identity, even quite separate from Matthäus-Passion. Because I am not overly familiar with all of Bach's works, this has been part of familiarizing myself with his catalogue and I can imagine why this is one of the highest regarded iterations. I prefer this over the Cantus Cölln, Konrad Junghänel recording simply because it feels more personal and sincere along with a palette from the orchestra that hits my ear with more tender grace. Without an intimate knowledge of the form, it is still very easy to hear the elegance and beauty in a recording like this, so easy and apparent that it has become one of my very favorite CDs and one that I return to quite often. It is just as easy to begin as it is to repeat, and never grows dull or lags in worth. An essential piece.