Dyzan - Electric Silence (1974), 7/10

Dzyan create some unique and entrancing atmospheres throughout this record, ranging from traditional raga rock to free jazz. The whole album is clearly psychedelic and conjures up unique images with its singular combination of palettes and textures. The sitar, bağlama, mellotron and drums all coalesce in powerfully moving moments, as they embark on otherworldly journeys with this unique array of arrangements. Certainly a step forward into the spiritual plain after the comparatively straight forward Time Machine one year prior. Marron’s guitar and assorted strings still have a prevalent place in the mix and in the compositions, however, and tracks like the closer gain significant power from this strength in performance. Giger’s percussion is another standout feature of many of these songs, particularly in key moments of the opener and “The Road Not Taken” with its improvisational breakdown in the second half of the track, one of the strongest moments of the album. Considering its place in the prog and krautrock evolution, this is a superbly forward-thinking project for its blending of such traditionally disparaged sounds. It is constantly engaging despite ample use of space, quickly shifting to highly focused melody just when its improvisation becomes exhausted. For that reason, it has an impressively consistent energy and wonderfully engaging, fluid narrative arc. While typically one of its greatest strengths, some tracks can suffer due to its singularity in sound, such as some passages in “For Earthly Thinking” that eventually sound dated in their hyper-eastern essence. Still, in its majority, Electric Silence is a stimulating affair that finds great success in its blending of fusion, raga and prog.